One Man’s Trash is Another’s Treasure
You are invited to the St Barnabas Cash in the Attic sale to bag a bargain from a wide assortment of bric à brac, brand new and barely used household goods, nearly new clothing, as well as DVDs, china, glassware, clocks, jewellery, antique tools, memorabilia, collectables and gifts.
What’s at the bottom of your jewellery-box? Our local and vintage costume jewellery expert, Alison Davis, will be on hand to assess the value of your “old bits and pieces” – you may be pleasantly surprised!
Refreshments of tea, coffee and home made cakes served throughout the event.
Admission £1 with all proceeds from admissions and refreshments donated to St. Christopher’s Hospice.
For more information or if you would like to hire a table to turn your clutter into cash please contact the church office on 020 8650 3393.